Welcome to Mrs/Mme Londry's Music Room

Celebrating Canadian Music Artists

Canada Music 150

In music this year, we are focusing on Canadian music artists in celebration of Canada's upcoming 150th birthday.  We will be singing lots of Canadian songs and learning more about the people who create our music.  I will be using an online format called Glogster (an interactive poster) to help present our musical artists of the week.  We learn quick facts, including where the musicians are from (we have a giant map of Canada in our Canada/Music Room on the stage) and what style of music each artist performs.  Please use the links provided in the files to help us celebrate Canadian musicians.  Feel free to email Mme Londry if you have any suggestions.


Mme Londry


Staff Email

Glogster Links

Glogster is an interactive online poster.  We are using Glogster to showcase our weekly Canadian Musical Artists as we celebrate Canada's upcoming 150th birthday!

Check us out with the button below!!

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